
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Song Journaling

What is Song Journaling?

Kim Culbertson, the author of Songs for a Teenage Nomad describes it like this:

Many people have songs that make them think of a place or experience in their lives. Perhaps the song reminds them of a trip they took, or of a sport they played, or of a friend who is important to them. Music is an important part of our culture, and one that is also deeply personal.

Here are some simple steps to creating your own Song Journal.

1. Select 6 (or more) songs that have significance to you somehow. At the beginning of your journal, include a list of your songs (including the name of the artist or band) that you selected.
2. Each journal entry will use the song as the title to the entry.

3. In each entry, describe a scene/memory in your life that this song brings to you. Focus on using specific detail and sensory description to “show” the reader the memory rather than just tell the memory.

4. At the end of the song journal, include the following self-reflection: Explain/discuss why you choose the songs you did and what you feel they say about you and what’s important to you in your life.

5. Design a creative cover for your song journal.