
Monday, September 27, 2010

Celebrate Banned Book Week

A widely celebrated literary event, Banned Book Week is about the promotion of free speech and is forefront in the battle against censorship.

It is a celebration of the freedom and the right to read what you choose.

"Free Speech Not Only Lives, It Rocks!" -Oprah Winfrey

A book is labeled as challenged or banned when people request items be removed from schools or libraries. Even when the book remains, the attempted censorship is a tremendous threat to free speech.

"A Censor Is A Man Who Knows More Than He Thinks You Ought To." -Granville Hicks

It is believed that 85% of challenges are unreported. However, in 2008 there were still 513 separate challenges to books and their placement in libraries. The following chart, provided by the American Library Association shows the many reasons for challenges.

"Every Burned Book Enlightens the World." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stop in at the Booth & Dimock Memorial Library this week to borrow a challenged book. Look for our displays and the accompanying bookmarks that tell why a particular book was challenged or banned. Walk around to read what people throughout history have thought about censorship. Keep checking back and visiting our Facebook page to find out about more Banned Books.

Celebrate Banned Book Week. Protect Your Right to Read.

"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right To Say It" - Voltaire