
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Want to Help Select the New Teen Nutmegs?

The Nutmeg Selection Committee is looking for Teens in grades 8 and 9 to serve on the Teen Nutmeg Selection Committee. Here is what's involved:

Each year two students are selected out of all the applicants from around the state to be members of the Book Selection Committee. Serving on the Book Selection Committee is a great experience for student readers. You get to do your favorite thing (read), then discuss the books with others who love to read as much as you do. Before you make a decision about applying, however, there are several things that you and your parents need to take into consideration.

Serving on either committee is a huge commitment. Each year the Teen Committee reads about 80 titles. The Book Selection Chairperson compiles the lists (usually about 30-35 books per list) and sends committee members the first list in December or early January, sometimes earlier. From the day you receive that first list you will be reading on the average of three books a week until early October. That means 350 to 500 pages a week for 38 to 40 weeks. Committee members are responsible for obtaining their own copies of the books. Most committee members rely largely on libraries; your local library, those in nearby towns and through the interlibrary loan service that is available in every Connecticut library. 

As a committee member you will be expected to read all the books on the lists, whether they suit your tastes or not. This can be difficult. If you don’t like a book right at the start you must at least give it a good try. 

Three to five meetings (the number is determined by the chair) are held during the selection process. The Chairperson selects the sites, dates and times of the meetings. Meetings are usually on a school night. Depending on where you live, it could be a short or long drive (committee members are from all over the state). It will be up to your parents to see that you attend these meetings. Refreshments are on hand or you can bring your own snack. If you are unable to attend you must let the Chairperson know and also submit your preferences from the current list, with reasons for your choices. **However, please know attendance is an important part of the Selection Committee process. Students should plan to attend at least 3 of the 4 meetings.** At the meetings the merits of each book are discussed. Lively debate is part of the process. At the last meeting in late September or early October the committee stays until the final ten books are chosen, along with alternate titles. It is the most important meeting and usually the longest (and the committee sends out for pizza!).

The librarians and teachers on the committee are devoted to helping young people like you to connect with quality fiction. If you have participated in the Nutmeg program in the past, you realize that the books you help to select will be read by many students across the state of Connecticut. You will express ideas and opinions that are your own and will make a valuable contribution to the selection of Nutmeg nominees.

Taking into account the above information, you and your parents can decide if this is a challenge that you are suited for. The fact that you are even considering it is a tribute to your reading ability and maturity. If you are interested, please fill out the following application and return it to the appropriate Book Selection Chair for the upcoming year.

For more information, please consult the Nutmeg Award Website and access the application here. Feel free to ask the Teen Librarian any additional questions.