
Saturday, October 23, 2010



National Novel Writing Month is November

All the resources you need to start and write a novel in one month. The idea is that you will write and only write for 30 days (that doesn’t mean you can’t sleep, it means you don’t edit or worry about spelling or anything like that until you are done or midnight on November 30th—whichever comes first).

The word count goal for adults is 50,000, but the Young Writers Program lets you choose your own word-count goal. If you reach your personal word count goal you “Win,” receive a web icon, certificate and bragging rights.


This year, if you reach your word-count goal, you can get a paperback proof copy of your manuscript provided by CreateSpace. Find out more.
The NANOWRIMO website gives you tools to help set your schedule, handle writers block, provides a way for you to connect with other NANOWRIMO authors and even has pep talks from published authors such as John Green and D.J. MacHale.

So give it a try and join hundreds of thousands of people around the world and write!