This is a (relatively) short, but fast moving book about Dirk Pitt. Pitt is sent by NUMA to help out at a ship looking for a fish nick-named the Teaser. This research ship was being hounded by 'acadents', a blatant attack on a near-by US military airfield by a WW I Albatross Fighter plane, then a direct attach on their ship by the same plane. Meanwhile, Pitt has experienced "Love at first sight" with the supposed niece of a man known as Von Till. After Von Till tries to kill Pitt, Pitt realized the he was the cause of their problems, having taken on the fake identity of "Von Till" as well as a fake niece. He was actually an old German soldier from the world war, who was smuggling illegal drugs into the US. In the end, Von Till is reveled, and the Teaser is found. The only warning I give is that the raw version of this book includes a fairly heave use of bad language. I suggest you get a censored version.
by David B.
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